John’s father gave him his beer at his brother’s wake at the age of 10. He used drugs and alcohol to deal with all emotions in his life. John’s cycle was to go to rehab, then a halfway house, and then a sober living house. Up & Out Sober Living made the difference in his recovery. He is now a house manager for Up & Out Sober Living.
Amber’s father tried to give her a good life, but she felt that the party life was for her. She started using heavier drugs when she moved out of her parent’s house. Amber used very heavily for about 3 years. Her sober date is May 23, 2019. She was accepted into the Up & Out Sober Living, and it gave her a sense of home.
Laura remembers starting to use drugs around 13 and by 15 she was into very hard drugs. The drugs made her feel whole and did not make her feel less than. She did the 12 step program in 2009 and was sober for 6 years. Laura stopped doing the program and started using again. She had been in 17 treatment facilities and nothing seemed to help her. The Up & Out Sober Living offered her the structure she needed.
Callum did not have a good home life, and his first drug was Dimetapp that his older sister said would make life better. After that, he moved on to huffing gasoline and then proceeded to pain medication and alcohol. In his late 20s wanted to get his life back but was not succeeding on his own. Up & Out Sober Living provided the structure and focused his mental health,
Brad starting using drugs during high school and gradually advanced to heroin. After using heroin for 6 years, he got clean, but then pick up alcohol. After many rehabs, he realized he needed a new path.
Both of Bruce’s parents were addicts and when his father passed away when he was 14 he started using drugs and alcohol. He used for about 26 years and reached a place where he realized he was sick and tired of being sick and tired. Bruce did not know how to live a life without drugs. Up & Out gave him structure and accoutablilty.
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