What To Be Expected

Up & Out Sober Living House Rules

Program Fee

Program fee MUST be paid upon occupancy if you are not getting MDRN funding. Our program is $200 a week. First week and last weeks rent is required upfront if not receiving MDRN funding. The program fee can be paid in cash or money order.


Failure to comply with the following will result in IMMEDIATE discharge from the house:

I will not use or be in possession of drugs and/or alcohol.

I will comply with the house manager.

I will not incur any new criminal charges.

I will not give a false statement on the application.

I will provide a urinalysis upon request.

I will not make any verbal or physical acts of violence or threats.

I will not be in possession of weapons.

  • A chore list will be posted weekly. All residents will be assigned a daily chore. You are responsible for doing your chore. Failure to do so may result in restriction of privileges and/or discharge.
  • A mandatory house meeting will be held weekly. Failure to attend is grounds for immediate discharge.
  • No hanging out in front of the house for any reason. There is definitely no smoking allowed out front. All smoking must be done out back in the designated area.
  • If you are taking medication, YOU are responsible for getting a lockbox prior to admission to keep your medications in.
  • Residents must obtain a homegroup and sponsor within 30 days.
    The House Manager must be informed of all medications prescribed before being taken.
  • Failure to submit to a urinalysis will result in immediate discharge. Altering a drug test will result in immediate discharge.
  • If the resident is unemployed, the resident agrees to obtain employment within 30 days.
  • We are a 12 step-based living environment.  Meeting slips will be provided and must be signed or stamped to show accountability. You are required to attend 5 in-person meetings a week. 
  • You are not to be on your cell phones during meetings. It’s a distraction to you and those around you. You are there to listen, not play around on your phone. If you are caught on your phone, this will result in a loss of privileges.
  • No incense, candles, or other flammables are permitted in the house.


  • No one other than residents are permitted in the house at any time. Exceptions will be made if asked ahead of time of the House Manager. (sponsors, family, house get-togethers, etc….
  • No food or drinks are to be in bedrooms.
  • Curfew: The doors will be locked at curfew time. No exceptions. No one is allowed to open the door for anyone after curfew. If this happens, privileges
    will be taken and/or could result in being discharged.
    Sunday – Thursday: Residents must be in by 10 PM.
    Friday – Saturday: residents must be in by midnight
  • Each resident is responsible for their own groceries. Groceries should be kept in designated areas. No food is to be kept in rooms for any reason.
  • After the first 30 days of residency, if program fees are paid up, and there are no issues or concerns overnight passes can be issued.
  • If I drive a car, I understand that I will not speed in and out of the community. The communities our houses are in are quiet. We are going to keep it that way. If speeding in and out of the community becomes an issue, this may result in the restriction of privileges.
  • Up & Out Sober Living is not responsible for personal injury or personal property.
  • A program fee of $200 is due every Friday by 6 PM. All fees are nonrefundable. If this is not paid within 48 hours of the due date, I understand that I will be discharged from the house. If discharged, I have one week to pick up my property, or it will be donated. All program fees are nonrefundable if you are discharged from the house.
  • Each resident is responsible for cleaning up after themselves. If you dirty a dish, please clean it. There will be no cooking after midnight.
  • Please be mindful of your language when outside. Be respectful.

At Up & Out Sober Living, we know people can and do recover from their dependence on alcohol and other substances. Our experience is that individuals who are placed in a safe and structured environment benefit from enhanced opportunities for recovery. Also, we assist residents in achieving their long-term recovery goals by guiding them to the community’s necessary resources. The person has to trust the process of 12 step recovery. We are here to offer a loving, clean, spiritual environment, specifically designed to assist those individuals with the sincere desire to overcome the pain and suffering caused by active addiction.

I understand that Up & Out Sober Living operates pursuant to Title 42 of the United States Code, 300X-25, and the Federal Anti-Drug Act of 1988, PL 100-690, 2036, as amended. Federal law permits the use of federal start-up loan funds as long as the House: (A) prohibits all residents from using drugs and alcohol or illegal drugs; (B) expels any resident who violates such prohibition; (C) equally shares household expenses, including the monthly lease payment, among all residents; and (D) utilizes democratic decision making within the group, including the inclusion in and expulsion from the home.

Under federal law, I agree to be expelled immediately from the home if I violate this agreement’s terms. I understand that in living in the home and agreeing to these terms, I do not have the same rights that I would in a landlord/tenant relationship. In accepting these terms, I understand that federal law controls, and I thereby waive normal due process afforded by local landlord-tenant laws.

I have read and understood all the material on this contract, including the limitations outlined in the Statutory Authority section. I have answered all questions honestly and strive to achieve success in my recovery process. Up & Out Sober Living is not responsible for accidents that may occur on the property. You are personally responsible for ALL your medical expenses.